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Facebook 封了我的广告功能,最后解封了

外贸经验分享 @Eking 8年前 (2017-07-31) 489次浏览 0个评论

Facebook 封了我的广告功能,最后解封了

Thanks for reaching out to us.
 We've reactivated your advertising account and you should now be able to create new ads and manage your existing ones.
If you have a campaign that's currently stopped, the ads within the campaign can't be restarted until the campaign is active again.
To turn your ads on:

1. Go to your ads manager
2. Find the ad you want to turn on or off
3. In the Status column, use the switch to change the status to on or off 

Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused.

Do you have any feedback on your appeals experience? Please fill out the survey





Facebook Ads Team


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